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Anemone Bridesmaid Bouquet

Anemone are gorgeous white and black flowers that match with any color bridesmaids gown!

The beautiful anemone bouquet is seen held here by bridesmaids in bright pink dresses.

The anemone bridesmaids bouquet placed elegantly on a table.

Close up of the anemone bridesmaids bouquet!

Anemone and other complimenting white flowers table centerpiece.

Blue Rose Bridal Bouquet

A stunning blue rose bridal bouquet made up of bright blue roses and a few white roses.

A closeup of the blue rose bridal bouquet!

The bridesmaids bouquets are made up entirely of white flowers to compliment their bright blue bridesmaids dresses.

Blue dyed glitter roses bouquet.


Green and White Wedding Bouquet

Stunningly beautiful and original wedding flower arrangements and bouquets made up of green and white flowers.

The delicate bridal bouquet.

The bride's bouquet has some white roses and green cactus flowers for a unique and strange bouquet arrangement that manages to also be extremely elegant!

The bridesmaid bouquet version with the green cactus, white roses and spidermum among the other flowers!

A closeup of the bridesmaids bouquet.

The lovely floral table centerpiece in the same green and white unusual wedding flower arrangement.

A smaller wedding table floral arrangement.

Multi Colored Pastel Wedding Bouquet

A gorgeous multicolored multi flower DIY wedding bouquet!

A stunning wedding bouquet can be created with flowers from your own garden. Some roses, daisies and any other beautifully colored flower can be arranged to create a stunning bouquet!

Create one big do it your self bouquet for the bride and a few slightly smaller versions for the bridesmaids.

The uneven bouquet arrangements make for a rustic and charming wedding!

Orange Gerbera Daisy Wedding Bouquet

Beautiful cheerful orange gerbera daisies can make a lovely bridal bouquet.

For a fiery, passionate and colorful yet simple wedding bouquet.

Orange gerbera create a very natural look.

A lighter orange gerber daisy bouquet with orange roses.

Orange gerbera daisy wedding bouquet with green foliage.

Gerbera bouquet with twigs.

Vibrant orange daisy wedding bouquet with long stems

Orange bouquet bridal made of daisies!

Yellow Chrysanthemums

The chrysanthemums derives it's name from Greek with chrys meaning golden and anthemion meaning flower. This beautiful flower symbolizes optimism and joy!

The gorgeous yellow chrysanthemums flower blooms in autumn.

Yellow chrysanthemums wedding bouquet appear gorgeous and joyous.

Romantic yellow wedding bouquet made up of yellow chrysanthemums with yellow statice rice flowers and orange berries.

White and Hot Pink Wedding Bouquet

A beautiful white and hot pink wedding bouquet made up of hot pink peonies, white roses and white orchids!

This wonderful wedding bouquet has several great meanings the peonies represent a happy life and a happy marriage, the orchids, beauty and love and the blessing of many children while the white roses symbolize innocence and purity.

The gorgeous bridal bouquet with the bridesmaid bouquet which are mainly white. Bridesmaid dresses are made up of the hot peonies pink.

The bridesmaids bouquet is made up of the white orchids with small soft pink roses.

Purple Flowers Bouquet

Purple, lavender, lilac and pink flower wedding bouquet.

Gorgeous purple themed bridal bouquet with long stems.

Hand tied with purple ribbon.

Elegant purple bridal bouquet.

Red Blue and White Wedding Bouquet

Gorgeous wedding with a blue, red and white color theme. Bridal bouquet is made up of red dahlias, and a few white roses and small blue flowers.

Bridesmaids bouquets are made up of red dahlias to compliment their blue dresses.

A nice touch with a blue basket filled with red dahlias!

Hydrangea Wedding Flowers

Hydrangea bouquets are lovely full and romantic with their soft pastel blue coloring and are a perfect flower for a blue themed wedding.

Hydrangea connote meanings of understanding, friendship and devotion.

This unique flower has a magical mythical meaning, if a witch put a curse on you the lovely hydrangea could be used to break the curse.

Hydrangeas are in bloom in the fall and summer, making it more cost effective to use this wonderful blue flower during those seasons.

A full hydrangea bouquet is perfect for a bridesmaid bouquet especially if she is using a gown of muted blues.

Soft pale blue hydrangea can be used to make delicate and elegant centerpieces.

A gorgeous vivid blue hydrangea wedding flowers.

Pretty blue hydrangea bouquet.

Gorgeous hydrangea bridesmaid bouquets.

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